The Information Centre is a bright, attractive area available to students before morning registration, during breaks and also for homework and recreation at the end of the day. It is fully staffed at all times so students always have the opportunity to ask for help and advice.

There are areas dedicated to Fiction, Non-Fiction, DVDs, Journals and Newspapers with a wide selection of titles and resources in each section. There are also specialist collections dedicated to Post 16 students and for younger users. The Information Centre also has study space for individual work as well as a fully equipped computer suite where students will be taught research and literacy skills.

The resources available are all recorded on our Catalogue – OLIVER – which is available in the Information Centre, throughout the Academy and at home via Connect. This is supplemented by online resources such as the Encyclopaedia Britannica and the Oxford Reference Suite.

Our mission is to promote and support excellence in learning and teaching environment using Information and Communication Technologies.

We endeavor to provide and support the development of students and staff to achieve a high level of knowledge, understanding, skills and competences that will be employed in a wide range of professions and vocations. We ensure our staff are equipped to use the best ICT practices in their own area of teaching expertise.

We aim to keep abreast of developments in technology and research in education combining them into meaningful applications in the educational context.IC Team

IC Facilities

There is a photocopier/printer/scanner situated in the IC which can be operated by your ID card. You can add credit to your card at the printing loaders located around college.

Charges for copying are as follows:

Black & White: A4 = 5p, A3 = 10p

Colour: A4 = 20p, A3 = 40p

Information Literacy

The IC offers lots of helpful advice and sessions to help you learn how to find and manage information.

Online Resources

The IC offers a plethora of web based information ranging from the latest journals to Oxford Reference and Britannica.


The computers can be booked by individual students during their designated break times or free study periods. Students will need their ID card to book a computer at the counter.

Study Spaces

Work stations are located near to the Journals collection and along the glass wall.

Catalogue Terminals

There are three catalogue points located around the Information Centre to enable staff and students to use the catalogue to search for sources within the IC or online resources.

Enquiry Desk

The purpose of the enquiry desk is to address any queries regarding the use of the library catalogue, online resources and finding items within the IC.

IC Information

Opening Hours


8:00am – 4:00pm

Virtual Library

24/7 – 365 days a year

Borrowing Information


  • 2 fiction books for 28 days each
  • 2 non-fiction books for 14 days each
  • 1 DVD/CD for 48 hours with a £1 deposit


  • 4 fiction books for 28 days each
  • 4 non-fiction books for 14 days each
  • 5 DVD/CD for 48 hours each
  • 25 books in a box loan


  • No food
  • Only water may be consumed
  • All students must use the bag racks
  • No mobile phone usage
  • No sitting on the floor
  • Do not move the furniture
  • No inappropriate use of furniture
  • Respect the resources

Information Literacy Skills

This section contains a comprehensive set of resources related to information literacy skills. Select from the list to find out more.

IC Resources

There are many resources available to help you in your studies.


Oliver stores all the books available from the Information Centre with details for each and whether it is on loan or not.

Visit Resource

Encyclopedia Britannica

Britannica School includes Encyclopedia Britannica.

Visit Resource

Oxford Language Dictionaries

Online English dictionary with grammar, synonyms and translation tools.

Visit Resource

A-Z of Journals

View the selection of journals available either alphabetically or by subject. Includes links to their websites.

Visit Resource

Visit Hodder Education Resources


World Book Day

Halloween & Bonfire Night Display October 2023

Antibullying Display Sep 2023

Summer Reads


World Book Day 2023

New Books Display

Anti-Bullying Week 2022

Remembrance Display

Bonfire Night 2022

Black History Display