Dates For The Diary.

  • School Admissions Deadline (Application for Places) – Tuesday 31st October 2023
  • Secondary National Offer Day –  Friday 1st March 2024
  • New Year 7 Parents Evening – Wednesday 12th June 2024
  • New Year 7 Transition Days – Thursday 11th July and Friday 12th July 2024
  • New Year 7 Induction Day – Tuesday 2nd September 2024
  • First Full Day of Term – Wednesday 3rd September 2024

Virtual Tour (Google Maps Style)

This tour allows you to select the rooms and blocks to have a self-guided “Google Map” style tour around the school.

Virtual Tour Video

This is a virtual tour of the blocks and includes a welcome from the college leaders and other senior members of staff at the school as you are guided around the academy

Meet Your College Team

FAQs for Year 6 Parents/Carers

I am delighted and proud to welcome you to Tudor Grange Academy, Kingshurst.

Tudor Grange Academy, Kingshurst, is a community school and is fully inclusive. We believe that every child is deserving of an education that allows them to reach their full potential. We are committed to supporting our young people to become, ready, responsible, and respectful young people. These are our values. Our young people leave us ready and excited to embrace their next steps with confidence, qualifications, and life skills to achieve and flourish in all aspects of life, and they do so with pride.  Whilst at the academy our young people will develop a true sense of belonging, supported by peers and staff.  It is this belonging that we celebrate as our virtues strengthen and our friendships broaden.

We are unwavering in our commitment in serving our young people, our parents and our local community and will have a constant focus on high standards. We have extremely high expectations of our young people regarding communication, manners, behaviour, and personal commitment to learning. We will be committed in expecting this of all our young people and we will be relentless in the pursuit of those things that are sometimes perceived as small – as we believe these impact on school culture, environment and attitude to learning of young people.

We have a dedicated and committed team of staff who have chosen to serve this community and to provide exciting and enriching experiences for our young people. We value every child, and we believe that our staff can make a real difference, so we are committed to supporting our staff to develop, to be innovative and to have the skills and tools they need to teach and support our great curriculum. Our staff embody our school values. They are ready to teach, to support, to build relationships. They are respectful to each other and our young people whilst not compromising on high expectations and standards and they are responsible for ensuring that our young people have great experiences, academically and socially too. Our staff flourish too.

Finally, may I address our families. Together we share responsibility for the education of our young people, and we work closely with all of our families to ensure that our young people are central and at the heart of everything we do. Again, we expect our families to embody our values. We expect them to be ready to support their young people to learn. We expect our families to be respectful and supportive of the academy’s high expectations and we expect our families to be responsible for being involved in all aspects of academy life. As partners, we can all flourish together.

As an individual and as a team of staff we are incredibly privileged to serve this community and will continue to do so with unswerving commitment and a promise that our young people will become responsible, respectful young adults who are ready to flourish in all aspects of life.

Darren Turner
Executive Principal 

There are 2 transition days planned (Thursday 11th and Friday 12th July 2024) for students from Year 6 who have been allocated a place at the Academy in September 2024.  Students will spend the days getting to know their way around the building, meeting staff, and attend sample lessons. A Letter with full details will be sent to parents in mid-May 2024.

There will be a New Year 7 Parents Evening on Wednesday, 12th June 2024 (Times TBC) at the Academy. This will provide you with an opportunity to find out and meet your son/daughter’s new college leadership team, attend the Head teachers briefing and visit an array of information stalls to help provide you with everything you will need to know about the academy. Any specific concerns or information you require can be obtained/given on this evening.

A Meet The Tutor Evening is planned for early in October 2024 so you can meet their new form tutor and discuss their start at the academy.

Our transition team works closely with your child’s primary schools in preparation for their move to secondary school. Members of our team, including SEND and Welfare staff, will visit Year 6 students in their schools to gather information and to get to know the students.  We will also speak to their class teacher and any other relevant key adults that may be working closely with them.

Mrs Brocklebank, our SENCO, and her team will liaise with your child’s current school to ensure that we have all the information needed for a smooth transition.  She will meet the students and their teachers to ensure that students are provided with the right level of support when they attend the Academy.   Please contact Mrs Brocklebank ( if you feel you need to make an appointment to see her or a member of the team to discuss this further.

An additional Transition Day is also planned for more vulnerable students.  The aim of this is to meet with their new key staff and to view and discuss the additional support and guidance they can access.  A letter will be sent at a later time to confirm the time and date of this for those identified students.

You will receive an induction pack in May 2024 which includes all the information we need (i.e. current address, contact details and medical notes etc) before your child starts at the Academy, as well as useful information for you about uniform, how the academy is organised and the values we hold dear. You will also receive Newsletters in July and August to keep you updated for the new term.

You will be asked to complete a form in your induction pack which will provide us with the information we need.   A full time First Aider is based in the medical room throughout the school day where medication can be stored and administered. Our Lead First Aider, Mrs Rowles, will contact you prior to September if there are any medical concerns.  Her email address for any correspondence

Uniform is available to purchase from our supplier at PB Sports.  PB sports are conveniently located only 500m from the school and have an online shop available also.

A link to our uniform page and detailed guide is here. You will also receive this guide in your induction pack.

This will be Wednesday 3rd September 2024.  Year 7 students will start at 8:25am and will meet their new form tutor.  This will enable year 7 students to have a calm and structured start to the new term. During the morning pastoral slot they will also spend time with their tutor group, receive their timetables and be given planners.

On the first day of school your child will be given a personal printed timetable and planner. Your child will need to check their timetable each evening and pack their bag ready for the next day. All students are issued with their own personal organiser at the beginning of each term for this purpose. It has a number of functions.

  • A personal diary for daily work
  • A place to record work to complete at home
  • A communication medium between parent and teacher

The following items are to be brought into the academy each day. Equipment checks will be conducted at the beginning of each day, in registration time, to ensure the student has the right equipment to access learning tasks in lessons.

  • 2 Pens (Black)
  • 2 Pencils
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • Eraser
  • Ruler (minimum 15cm)
  • Glue Stick
  • Green Pen (For making improvements to work)
  • Colouring Pencils
  • Highlighter
  • Maths Calculator (Casio fx-83GT plus)
  • Named Pencil Case
  • Reading Book
  • ID Card

Please note that for safety reasons liquid ink erasers, such as Tippex, are not allowed.

Mobile phones should, under no circumstances, be brought into and used in the Academy.

If a mobile phone is seen it will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day.  If it is confiscated a second time, we will ask that a parent or carer come to the Academy to collect it at a convenient time. Contact between parents and students and vice versa can always be made through the College Admin Office.

Overview (Year 7, 8, 11 and 13)Overview (Year 9, 10 and 12)
Period 19:25amPeriod 19:25am
Period 210:25amPeriod 210:25am
Period 311:40amPeriod 311:40am
Lunch12:35pmPeriod 412:40pm
Period 41:10pmLunch1:35pm
Period 52:10pmPeriod 52:10pm
End of School Day3:05pmEnd of School Day3:05pm

There will be a 5-minute warning bell prior to each lesson start time. There will be no warning bell for the start of Break times.

The Academy has a restaurant which is open from 8.00am until 2.00 p.m.  Break time is 10:20-10:40am and lunch for Year 7 students is 12:35 to 1:05pm.  A range of sandwiches, wraps, fruit, salads, snacks (not including sweets) as well as a choice of hot meals is available. Payment can be made via ParentPay. Some students bring packed lunches.  You can view a sample of menus and learn more about the internet payment system via

If you require any further information about transition and starting the academy please see a list of the key people below. We look forward to meeting and getting to know you through the transition process and hope your son/daughter thoroughly enjoys their time with us over the next 7 years!

Key People

Transition LeaderMr Lee
Admission queries
SENCoMrs Marie
Lead First Aider (Medical)Mrs Abbie
School Admin Office0121 329

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